ARDEX A35 ARDEX Singapore Manufacturer, Supplier, Supply, Supplies | KWIX SOLUTIONS PTE LTD
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Rapid Setting and Ultra Rapid DryingCement for Floor Screeds
  • Rapid hardening - walkable in 3 hrs
  • Ultra rapid drying - receives fl oorcoverings, includingceramic tiles, after 24 hours regardless of thickness
  • Apply as a bonded, unbonded or fl oating screed
  • Can be pumped for fast application
  • Rapid strength development
  • Can be used with underfl oor heating systems

ARDEX A 35 is a special cement for producing a rapid setting, rapid hardening and ultra rapid drying fl oor screed. After only one day the compressive strength and tensile bending strengthof an ARDEX A 35 screed exceeds the acceptable minimum attained by an ordinary cement screed after 28 days and is also dry, irrespective of thickness. ARDEX A 35 can be used to produce a bonded screed, an unbonded fl oor screed laidonto a membrane, or a fl oating fl oor screed laid onto a compressive quilt/insulating material. Bay divisions and expansion joints should be incorporated as for normalcement/sand screeds, taking into account the advice given in the code of practice for the fl ooring being subsequently applied.The mortar is mixed and applied in the same way as for normal cement/sand mortar, except that the working time is reduced to approximately 60 minutes at 20°C. ARDEX A 35 can be walked on 3 hours after application and is dry enough toreceive fl oorcoverings after 24 hours at 20°C. However, where the ARDEX A 35 screed is smoothed immediately after application with ARDEX A 55 Ultra Rapid Drying Self-Levelling Compound, vinyl and textile fl oorcoverings may be applied after as little as 4 hours.

NOTE: Where the concrete base is insuffi ciently dry, or is direct to ground without an eff ective protection from rising damp, the ARDEX A 35 cement and sand screed must be laid over an eff ective damp proof membrane, e.g. ARDEX DPM forbonded screeds, or a suitable sheet membrane for unbonded or fl oating screeds.

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